Skin Resurfacing
Achieve Radiant Skin with IPL Photorejuvenation
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) photorejuvenation offers an innovative, non-invasive approach to rejuvenate your skin, combat aging signs, and address common skin concerns.
Intense Pulsed Light IPL Photorejuvenation
Intense Pulsed Light IPL Photorejuvenation is an innovative cosmetic skin treatment that utilizes intense pulsed light to enhance your appearance. IPL photorejuvenation is a minimally-invasive procedure that can help you achieve a more youthful appearance with lower costs and little downtime.
This minimally invasive procedure is not only an excellent anti-aging skin treatment, but it can also be used to treat other common skin concerns such as:
Age and sunspots
Fine lines, Winkles
Dark spot
Spider veins
Uneven skin tone
Vascular Lesions
The procedure has many benefits because it:
Reduces hyperpigmentation and skin redness, creating an even complexion.
Makes the skin appear more youthful and radiant.
Helps eliminate or reduce wrinkles and fine lines by stimulating the production of elastin and collagen.
Assists in the healing of acne /skin breakouts.
Eliminates acne-causing bacteria to minimise the occurrences of breakouts.
Increases blood circulation in the target area while reducing inflammation.
Helps speed up the healing process after invasive cosmetic procedures such as chemical peels.
Frequency: 3 sessions are recommended 1 session every 4 weeks